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animals language
“LANGUAGE AND LOGIC” “Language” The method of human communication either spoken or written, consisting of the use of words in a structured and conventional way. Or A system of communication used by a particular country or community. “Logic” “Logic is the study of methods and principals used to distinguish correct from incorrect reasoning.” It study the rules of valid reasoning and argumentation. 1.1: “Language and Logic” When people reason they typically do using language, manipulating propositions in a logical or informative spirit. But language is used in a great variety of ways, only some of which are informative. Without the intention to inform we may express ourselves by using language. Logicians are chiefly concerned with language used informatively affirming or denying propositions, formulating and evaluating arguments and so on. In reasoning it is this informative function of language that is the principal concern. You have probably said that someone was “being illog...
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